Juliana Wiki
Glas Julianska Dec 1981 P4




Cartoon: "Does anyone want to continue?"

You know the western rhetoric: planned economies are bad, they do not allow the people to make a choice and do not allow private businesses to function. They often like to boast about how much better, stronger, more stable the west is. And yet, if you look to the facts, it is exactly the opposite. Socialist planned economies are as stable as ever, and the big western economies are in crisis.

In the past ten years alone we can see how much instability has affected the west and their so-called strong economies.

1971: The Bretton Woods system, led by the United States broke apart when the United States decided to terminate its dollar's convertibility.

1973 and 1979: The oil embargoes by the OPEC countries cause significant inflation to the United States and some Western european countries.

Late 1970s: Currency inflation for the U.S. Dollar, British pound, French Franc and others

Now: The United States, Britain, Japan and other capitalist nations are suffering through a recession.

If we can offer them a word of advice, more central planning is needed. We do not have massive corporations extracting every coin out of hard working families and we do not have government's listening only to the needs of these big companies. But, we do have managed economies that are strong and do not suffer through recessions and crises. We have stability, the stability the west seeks.

Factory and worker strikes over pay, working hours, conditions? Nonexistent in the socialist countries, as people are paid well, work decent hours and in excellent conditions, allowing for better productivity. Go for a planned economy, and there is no limit to the financial success your nation can achieve.
